Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Rumble Mumble

Don't ask questions if you don't want answers.
I want answers but I want my "kind" of answers. Isn't that what everyone wants?
We hear things that we want to hear. We mentally filter out what we deemed 'rubbish' ... sometimes, just to protect our weak soul. Could it be due to insecurity? Sigh. We are lying, even to ourself.
I sometimes (most of the time more to it) wish I live in a fairy-tale land. Imagine the joy of waking up to beautiful weather, beautiful place, chirping of birds ... and never have to work.
Coming to work pains me. I do not have the drive anymore. People start pushing work to you and I was told to push the work to someone. You have to learn tai-chi (a chinese martial art and also a form of exercise).
Can you trust the people you work with? How can you trust anyone? How do you know they don't badmouthed you? If they can do it on other people, why would they single you out? Why people say different things in front of different people?
Is Michael Jackson guilty? Innocent till proven guilty. Did he or did he not molest the kid? Even he is found not guilty, do you really believe he is innocent? I mean, Why would the lawmakers suddenly go after him? Isn't it bizarre why an adult will want to spend so much time with a kid. Is it really because he loves kids so, thus the affection. His dad were saying, this happened because of race issue. Hrmmn....
Is the law made for the rich (and famous)? Are the poor kowtow-ing to the rich? Gary Glitter was expelled by the Cambodian authorities after a public outcry at his presence. He is a paedophile. Some parents will bring their kids to him for a couple of dollar. Yeah, they actually drag their kid and go knock-knock on his door. Sigh. After a couple of months being expelled, he went back to live in Cambodia again.He even bought a house there. In case you are scratching your head thinking who this guy is: Glitter was a British rock and roll performer in the early 1970s. He took his computer to a computer store in UK to be repaired. The staff there found pornographic images of children on the hard drive and called the police. Glitter was arrested and, convicted on child pornography charges; he was sentenced to four months in prison. How can a person deemed dangerous to kids be allowed back to the country? How can an expelled person be allowed entry?
An interesting title of a blog site - How do we bribe God? I never thought we can bribe God. Do we do some good deeds to replace the wrongs? Isn't this just a way to pacify ourself, to make us feel better.
I used to give money to charity. No, not thousands nor hundreds. Just a few bucks. I stopped giving after newspapers were splashed with news about people using the name of charity to cheat. Moreover, charity now do not entertain $1 or $2 - they want $10, $20 and in return, they will give you a Christmas card or a toy. We give what we desired. Why set a minimum? We do not donate because we want something in return (eventhough sometimes we give because we want that certain toy).
First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win. --Mahatma Gandhi


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