Saturday, November 20, 2004

Mandarin speaking

After reading Jase's - Retarded Customers On The Prowl, I would like to add on my say here. Malaysia is a multicultural country and there's many languages and dialects being spoken. But do not assume we speak your language or dialect.
You do not go to a stranger and start babbling in Mandarin. As a courtesy, ask whether they understand before you speak. What surprises me the most is when this person from an 'English language centre', going to housing area to promote their centre - can't speak a word of English.
This happened when I was still in school.
He/she (I don't remember) rang the doorbell. My mum answered the door and that person started promoting in Mandarin. We are non-Mandarin speakers but we can still understand a bit. My mum then replied in English, asking where is the centre and stuff...and that person was speechless.
Why does an English language centre send someone who can't speak the language they are promoting? Aren't they supposed to train their own staffs first before accepting students?
I do not look down on them or meant anything like that ... I have lotsa Mandarin speaker's friend and I am actually looking for a language centre to brush up my Mandarin (for self improvement purposes) BUT I think they should not think all Chinese speak Mandarin.


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