I have finished reading the Half-Blood Prince. It wasn't really a pleasant read. Dumbledore is dead... little Malfoy was supposed to kill Dumbledore in order to exhange for his own and his mother's life. His dad, Malfoy senior was captured and thrown into Azkaban (and also because he did not manage to get the prophecy from the Ministry) and this infuriated Voldermort. Little Malfoy hesitated in killing Dumbledore (though he is naughty and sometimes walks around Hogwarts as if he owns it, he still dare not and never kill anyone before). What really saddened me is, when Dumbledore is cornered by Malfoy and some Death Eaters ... Prof Snape came and killed Dumbledore with Avada Kevadra when he saw Malfoy hesitating. And all this while, Dumbledore trusted him ... till Snape killed him. This is justso crude.
I've read a few chapters of Book 6 and I'm not very happy with how the story goes. I already know who is dying in this book, that is sad enough But to know the person who helped killed him is a far worst feeling.
So Harry Potter will be out at 7:00 tomorrow. I've already paid up the balance of the book. I hope I don't have to line-up or anything and I also hope the shopping complex will not be packed too. I was in MPH yesterday evening ... there's so many books I am interested in buying. But I have ordered Angel & Demons, Digital Fortress and the LOTR set. Not only that, I still have 2 books not touch yet. But I am just so taken with those books I saw. I nearly walk one of the book to the counter.Guess will just go the gym at 9am and then go collect my book. Mum will be wondering what makes me change. I seldom go the gym even I am just 2 mins away.
Terror Hits London - that's the headline in CNN. I heard the news while driving back today. I asked my sis's friend, what was Tony Blair talking about. I've not heard of terrorist attack in UK ... yes, heard of IRA...but terrorist attack? When? I heard they won the Olympic bid yesterday...so shouldn't the Brits be celebrating? Why news on attacks? Arrived home and the CNN was on ... then I knew. What was the reason of the atrocity? Because of G8? or because of the Olympic? I just don't see the reason ... when are all these going to stop?
I read a post by Ashotiwoth on Fate and it got me into thinking. Do I believe our life is fixed or it does it lie in our hands? I can't make up my mind ... I believe our journey in this world is laid upon by God. He is the one who determines whether we are dead or alive. If He wants us dead, we can't live for a minute longer. But I also believe, if we want something, we should work for it and not wait for God to bestow us. I have not seen a geomancer but that is not because I do not believe in them. Just that I do not know where to find them. I tried looking in Penang but I don't see them in the temples I went to... I only see some 'wheel-of-fortune' machine in Wat Chaiya Mangkalaram. I saw an Indian girl putting a 50 cent coin in it and took a paper from a box next to it. I did the same. I got the best 'chiam-see'. Or so I thought. I just went to get the 'chiam-see' and saw the malay intepretation. It was a reverse of the English version. The very best became the very bad. Hrmmn.... I have a friend, a guy - he always go to some crystal shop and take an aura photo. The aura photo will show a ray of colours surrounding a person. If the photo show there is a lack of certain colour, it means the person is lacking in something..maybe love. Then he/she will be asked to get a rose quartz to boost his/her love life. I bought some crystals a year or two ago...I was having some reckless sleep. After some research,I bought the crystal and put it under my pillow. But I don't think anything improve. It is in my drawer now....
Let's make our voices heard ... and urge the top 8 world leaders to end poverty. I can't make it in person, so what I did was .... post my photo to the Live Aid Gallery. The photos collected will be pasted along the railings in Prince Streets which is 2 miles long. I am not sure whether my photo will make a difference but there's no harm trying...
Thai fishermen caught a 293-kilogram (646-pound) catfish that may have been the world's largest freshwater fish, in the remote part of Northern Thailand.